
PremiumZulasser eG
Christophstr. 15-17
50670 Cologne

+49 221 270 799 410

Sie er­klä­ren sich da­mit ein­ver­stan­den, dass Ihre Da­ten zur Be­ar­bei­tung Ih­res An­lie­gens verwendet wer­den. Weitere In­for­ma­tio­nen fin­den Sie unter Datenschutz.


In your search for a competent and reliable approval service provider, you have hit the mark: Welcome to PremiumZulasser. With us you save time and effort. On our website you will find relevant information at a glance. No matter whether you want to register a new vehicle, exchange license plates or re-register your car because you are moving to another city, the service providers affiliated with us are available to help and advise you.

If you have any questions or require further information about our network of professional approval service providers, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team will help you find the right service provider for your individual requirements in your area. Use the contact form to send us a message.

With Premiumzulasser you have the certainty that your vehicle registration is in good hands.

We are there where you need us.

Emanuel Schreiber Schilderfabrik e.K.

Emanuel Schreiber Schilderfabrik e.K.

Emanuel Schreiber Schilderfabrik e.K.

Emanuel Schreiber Schilderfabrik e.K.